Banger of the Week: Bend Sinister – Price You Pay

Twenty years into their career, and Canada’s Bend Sinister are still cranking out jams more electrifying than most of the young bands coming up. All you have to do is listen to their rock n’ rollin’ blast of a new single “Price to Pay”.

About the track, vocalist Dan Moxon has said:

“It started as a riff on my piano at home while watching my 1y old daughter. At the time I was thinking how much of a toll the touring lifestyle can take on an artist from a health perspective, and also how it seems to get more challenging every year with rising prices. Yet, regardless of those challenges, I  missed the fun of getting back in the van with good friends and hitting the road, and the joy of playing to a room full of people smiling back at you. Touring used to be how a band grew and built its audience compared to the social media and online engagement of today. The song is also a nostalgic love letter to those simpler times. What is tik tok anyway?”

While its origins are thoughtful, the track has the cocky, youthful fire of some of the great classic 70’s rock songs. Moxon’s vocalist caterwaul over sharp electric riffs, free-roaming keys and tight drums. There’s even a jazzy break halfway through, which while not normal for our style of “bangers”, it sets things up for the song to evolve into its next stage, becoming an anthemic, Queen-meets-Bob Seger stadium song.

Any fan of American rock should become aware of Canada’s Bend Sinister and can start by listening to their new single in our Bangers of the Week Playlist!

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