Live Report: Mad Caddies at Echoplex (May 2, 2024)

Last Thursday night, the Echoplex hosted Solvang’s Mad Caddies, who brought with them an eclectic mix of openers that felt like a good representation of some of the broad sounds of the Los Angeles underground scene that has existed since the 80’s.

Take openers Shock Therapy. The young group channeled formative bands like Devo and Oingo Boingo in their quirky brand of new wave-inspired music. Angular dance rhythms and robot-inspired moves from the band’s frontman called to mind the fun wackiness of The B-52s, while songs like “New Wave Party” and “Planet Pink” were a good reminder of how wonderfully weird parts of the Los Angeles music scene could be.

Things then took a left-turn into dynamic skacore with La Pobreska. This band was EXPLOSIVE. The frantic energy, synchronized moves, and hyperactive frontman must have been what Fishbone were like in their earliest performances. The mostly Hispanic band’s lyrics were mainly in Spanish, so while lyrics went over my head, I simply could not take my eyes off of them. With a sound mixing the previously mentioned Fishbone with more hardcore leaning groups like Bad Brains and Voodoo Glow Skulls, I would say that musically their sound would likely be too hardcore-inspired for my tastes on record, but these guys are such a force live that it was impossible not to enjoy their set. They had the whole audience fervently skanking in a vicious circle pit which the band’s frontman joined while continuing his performance. If these guys ever write their own “Party at Ground Zero” or “Sunless Saturday”, ie a track melodic enough to grab them some radio play and mainstream attention, they will be conquering the touring world in no time.

I don’t envy any band that has to follow a performance like that, and the audience seemed to still be recovering when skate punk vets Bad Cop, Bad Cop hit the stage. This was my second time seeing these mighty punk vets, and they certainly gave their all on stage. Their track “Breastless” took on extra meaning when the group’s lead singer mentioned her past battle with breast cancer and the recent discovery of a new lump, though the band kept their spirits high with mighty tracks like “Warriors”. It did take some coaxing from the band to get the audience to finally move again (as I said, they were probably exhausted after La Pobreska), but once they did the circle pits and dancing continued until the set’s end.

I first discovered Mad Caddies in college with their song “Drinking for 11”, but admittedly didn’t follow them too closely until hearing the excellent “Palm Trees and Pines” from their latest album Arrows Room 117. I love the new album, and it had me going back through their older records. These guys have come a long way from their scrappiest early recordings. While their more mature songwriting was brought to the table at the Echoplex, the band haven’t lost their youthful, goofball energy which has clearly endeared them to the fans there that night. While they may not be from Los Angeles, their mix of roots reggae, ska and punk puts them as one of the many “sons of Sublime” in my book, tying them to the Southern California music.

The band played songs from across their career, from strong new ones like “Palm Trees and Pines” and the romantic “Green Eyes”, to their raucous early punk tracks like “Road Rash” and silly pirate song “Weird Beard”. Throughout, the band clearly did not take themselves too seriously, with frontman Chuck Robertson making fun of himself for his poor job changing his guitar strings that day, leading to a broken string and his needing to borrow a spare guitar. The band’s horn sections were heroes of the night with their soaring accompaniment, while the band’s bassist kept things light and grounded (and also gave a shout-out to Punk Rock Saves Lives, who were joining them on the tour).

The band’s reggae-leaning songs were easy to move to, including their beloved cover of Green Day‘s “She”, while the rowdy “Baby” was a good-times drinking song. Even though I didn’t know all of the songs (as I said, I’m more familiar with their newer material), I was thoroughly entertained throughout the show.

Check them out on tour and take a listen to their great new album here!


  1. Great Review! I was there that night and couldn’t stop dancing for La Pobreska! Their energy is crazy and the songs are just so pleasant to my ears 👂


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